Reverst Assist Radar

The most effective measures for pedestrian safety

We protect your team

Pedestrians and industrial trucks often share the work area, especially in production facilities. This can be particularly dangerous for pedestrians. The figures are worrying: in Germany alone, there were almost 20,000 accidents involving forklift trucks and other industrial trucks in 2022. In 51 percent of cases, people were hit, crushed or even run over.

Linde offers you the most effective solutions to minimize these risks for drivers and pedestrians – in every situation and under a wide range of conditions. Our goal is always to protect your employees in the best possible way.

The advantages of Linde pedestrian protection at a glance

Piktogramm Euro
Geringere Ausfallzeiten

Increases safety

Reduces costs sustainably

Reduces downtime

Linde Reverse Assist Radar

Two thirds of all accidents involving forklift trucks occur when reversing if the driver overlooks people. The Linde Reverse Assist Radar assistance system helps to effectively prevent collisions with pedestrians and obstacles when reversing. With its powerful sensors, the system reliably detects both static and moving objects in the rear, even in poor visibility conditions. A multi-stage alarm system warns the driver of possible collisions. In an emergency, the system takes control and brakes the vehicle to a standstill.

Active baseboard

Almost half of all accidents involving industrial trucks result in injuries to feet or ankles. Linde has developed the active foot protection bar to reduce the risk for operators of high and low lift trucks and for people in their vicinity. If a foot touches the chassis, the system reacts by stopping the truck or actively reversing it. This reliably prevents feet from becoming trapped, even in the tightest of spaces.

We are happy to advise you

There are many challenges in the service sector, but also new opportunities. To meet these, the service should be planned quickly and precisely. This is only possible with holistic advice. Talk to us!

Mitarbeiter Oliver Stang
Oliver Stang

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